Rough Hollow Falls & More

Dover, AR - 2.8 Miles - Moderate Bushwhack

This area is an absolute hidden gem. I have lived fifteen minutes from Dover for the majority of my life, and never knew that Rough Hollow and the stunning waterfalls located here existed.

If you have ever visited the Long Pool Recreation Area, then you have driven right past the closed logging road that initiates this hike. We parked at the base of the closed road, located right off of Forest Service Road 1804.

For the first half of a mile or so, we walked up the closed logging road. To the right, there is a smaller trail that leads through a powerline clear-cut and deeper into the woods. After following the smaller path for about a quarter of a mile, we found a narrow blaze that leads down to Rough Falls. This blaze is pretty steep and loose due to the high concentration of shale.

We spent a decent amount of time at Rough Falls taking videos and pictures. This waterfall is very photogenic.

Rough Falls

To access Big Rock and Rat Snake, we started bushwhacking downstream from Rough Falls. We followed the creek bed until we reached a small confluence; where two streams became one and formed Slot Canyon Falls.

At this point, we turned to our left and followed the merging creek upstream. This stretch is home to many amazing features, including the two waterfalls pictured below.

Big Rock Falls

Rat Snake Falls

Big Rock Falls did require a bit of wading to get close enough for a decent photo. Thankfully, it was warm enough to do so.

There is one more unique waterfall that pours out of the side of the bluff near Big Rock Falls. I did not get a good enough photo to share, but it is worth checking out.

There is another established waterfall upstream from Rough Falls that we missed and will be back in the future to find.

According to Gez Roger's Waterfall's in Arkansas Google Map, this waterfall is named Ten Tier Falls.

  • December 19th, 2022

Name: Rough Hollow Falls

Distance: 2.8 Miles

Elevation Gain: 299 Feet

Difficulty: Moderate

Type: Out & Back Bushwhack

Disclaimer: In the event that you choose to pursue any adventure described on this website, please proceed with extreme caution. All opinions are subjective and will vary from person to person based upon experience and skill. Additional research should be completed before attempting any of the hikes portrayed in this blog.